Programming ASP.NET

I refer to the book ASP.NET, By Danny Ryan and Tommy Ryan

Ch 1 .Getting Started

Notes for installation .net framework SDK on a Windows 2003 Server


Ch 2 Basics

example000 SubmitReceiveComments.aspx a simple aspx page. (Not finished.)


Ch 4 HTML Controls

Create HTML controls by adding RUNAT="Server" attribute to HTML elements.
example001 (text version) gets value of a text box input. Submit button trigger a C# function in file <head> tag.

example002 (text version) use HTMLInputText controls to create a simple hardcoded user login page.

example003 (text version) checkbox input.

example004 (text version) radio buttons, "Name" attribute should be the same for the radio buttons, "ID" should be different.

example of Drop down list, skipped.

example006 (text version) A link use <a> tag.

example of rendering a image, skipped.

example of building a table, skipped.

example007 (text version) store hidden information on a form.

example008 (text version) upload a file. Need to modify the htmlForm control to include ...

Ch 5 Web Controls

Skipped for now. We can use MS Visual Studio to generate this stupid thingy.

Ch 6 Access Data with ASP.NET

example010 (text version) Display complex lists with "Datalist" control.

example011 (text version) Display SQL data (from a MSSQL Database) using "DataGrid" control. (need to change web.config file to debug)
To connect to MSSQL2005Express... connection string

"server=(local)\\SQLEXPRESS; uid=username; pwd=password; database=databasename"

The Authentication mode of the SQL database must be 2. mixed mode (windows and SQL)

example012 (text version) Insert data into a SQL database.

example013 (text version) Update data from a SQL database.

example014 (text version) Delete data from a SQL database.

Sort data etc skipped


Ch 10 Introductions to ASP.NET Applications and State Management

Global.asax file contains codes that your application starts and finishes.


Using session state

example020 (text version of write application variable, of read application variable) using APPLICATION state (used for ALL USERS of the website)

example021 (text version of write session variable, of read session variable) using SESSION state (USER-Specific)