Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# from Novice to Professional

I refer to the book Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# from Novice to Professional, By Matthew MacDonald

Ch 1 .Introducing the .NET Framework


Ch 2 Learning the C# Language


/* multiline
comment */

XML-based commenting
/// <summary>
/// comment here
/// </summary>

Line Termination
semicolon (;)

Block Structures (braces)
// code statements here

Variable and Data Types
int errorCode;

C# data type names (all lower case)

.NET Class Library Name C# Name
Byte byte
Int16 short
Int32 int
Int64 long
Single float
Double double
Decimal decimal
Char char
String string
Boolean bool
DateTime use .NET class name
TimeSpan use .NET class name
Object object

example1001_type.aspx .txt file, a data type example.

Escape Characters backslash (\)
\" double quote
\n new line
\t horizontal tab
\\ backward slash
example1002_escape.aspx .txt file, escape character example

Arrays & ArrayList (dynamic array)
example1003_array.aspx .txt file, array example

Enumerations (a group of related constants)


Ch 16 Files and Streams

Allowing File Upload
example1004_upload.aspx .txt file, File Upload Example
example1004_upload.aspx.cs .txt file contains the main code (also include code to get current data and time)
Web.Config .txt file controls the upload file size (in KB)

Displaying File Information and Deleting File
example1005_file.aspx.txt file.
example1005_file.aspx.cs .txt file contains the main code

Create TextFile, Write Textfile, Read TextFile (single user, multi-user mode)
example1006_readfile.aspx txt file.
example1006_readfile.aspx.cs. txt file contains the main code