using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.IO; public partial class example1004_upload : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } //private string uploadDirectory = @"E:\"; protected void cmdUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string SaveLocation = Server.MapPath("uploaded_images"); // Check that a file is actually being submitted. if (FileInput.PostedFile.FileName == "") //FileInput is the asp:FileUpload tag { lblInfo.Text = "No file specified."; //lblInfo is the asp:Label tag } else { // Check the extension. string extension = Path.GetExtension(FileInput.PostedFile.FileName); switch (extension.ToLower()) { case ".bmp": case ".gif": case ".jpg": case ".pdf": case ".tif": break; default: lblInfo.Text = "This file type is not allowed."; return; } //you may need the date and time for file naming purposes DateTime myDate = DateTime.Now; Response.Write (myDate.ToString()+"
"); string myYear = myDate.Year.ToString(); Response.Write(myYear+"
"); string myMonth = myDate.Month.ToString(); Response.Write(myMonth+"
"); string myDay = myDate.Day.ToString(); Response.Write(myDay+"
"); string myHour = myDate.Hour.ToString(); Response.Write(myHour+"
"); string myMinute = myDate.Minute.ToString(); Response.Write(myMinute+"
"); string mySecond = myDate.Second.ToString(); Response.Write(mySecond+"
"); string myMillisecond = myDate.Millisecond.ToString(); Response.Write(myMillisecond+"
"); //get original file name string serverFileName = Path.GetFileName( FileInput.PostedFile.FileName); //find path to move file to //string fullUploadPath = Path.Combine(uploadDirectory, serverFileName); //uploadDirectory declared above string fullUploadPath = SaveLocation + "\\" + serverFileName; try { // This overwrites any existing file with the same name. // Use File.Exists() to check first if this is a concern. FileInput.PostedFile.SaveAs(fullUploadPath); lblInfo.Text = "File " + serverFileName; lblInfo.Text += " uploaded successfully"; // lblInfo.Text += " to "+fullUploadPath; File.Delete(fullUploadPath); //delete the uploaded file, for server space issue } catch (Exception err) { lblInfo.Text = err.Message; } } } }