Richard's C++ Ch 1, 2, 3

C++ is case sensitive

Extra - Visual C++ 2010 Express Notes

1. File - New Project
2. Empty Project (Visual C++)
--- Name:
--- Location:
--- Solution Name: same as Name, check create directory for solution
3. Solution Explorer - R_Click - Add - New Item - C++ File (cpp)
4. Close Properties Window if necessary
5. Code, and for Windows you need this
return 0;

6. Click on arrow to Debug, or Debug -> Start Debugging
7. View - Other Window - Error List

:: Line Numbers :
Tools - Options - Text Editor - All Languages - General - Line numbers
:: Font :
Tools - Options - Environment - Fonts and Colors

:: Window Explorer for Windows 7 : show file extension :
Organize - Layout - Menu bar
Tools - Folder Options - View - Hide Extension for Know File Types

Useful files: *.cpp; *.exe; *.sln


Ch 2. Introduction to C++

eg001.cpp, cout output message, escape sequence, first program

eg002_variable.cpp, simple variable decleration

eg003_integer.cpp, integer types

eg004_char.cpp, char Data Type

eg005_multiply.cpp, integer variable and multiply

eg006_string.cpp, string objects and floating point numbers

eg007_boolean.cpp, boolean data type

eg008_scope, scope of program

eg009_sizeofdata.cpp, size of data types (mainly integer types)

eg010_ch2video4.cpp, summary of ch 2 concepts

eg011_mixall.cpp, summary of ch 2 concepts


Ch 3. Expressions and Interactivity

eg012_ch3video3.cpp, MPL ch3 video 3, pseudocode, get input, constant, setprecision & fixed to set 2 decimal places

eg013_cin.cpp, operator precedance, getline, cin.get(), cin.ignore()

eg014_typecast.cpp, operator precedance, typecasting, left

eg020_setprecision.cpp, setprecision Manipulator, formatting real numbers