x = float(input('Please enter number x: ')) y = float(input('Please enter number y: ')) sum = x + y print(x, '+', y, '=', sum) diff = x - y print(x, '-', y, '=', diff) prod = x * y print(x, 'x', y, '=', prod) div = x / y print(x, '/', y, '=', div) floor = x // y #floor of x/y print('floor(', x, '/', y, ')=', floor) mod = x % y #remainder of x/y print(x, ' mod ', y, '=', mod) power = x ** y #x raised to y power print(x, ' ^ ', y, '=', power) print("----------------") #overflow error, out of range of python floating point values x = 2.0 ** 10000 print(x) #float, 64 bits, min=2.22507x10^-308, max=1.79769x10^+308, precision=15 digits